Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Sweet Potato Dessert

Taking a break from seeing number of rrn operons. A little too late to eat anything heavy but Ping is starting to get hungry again. That's the bad thing about working late into the night - Ping tends to get hungry = eating more than regular and not moving as much since working late is usually writing or analyzing data. So Ping went looking into the fridge to hunt for something light - Huan Chu T'ng (Potato soup).
Ping was craving for it during the weekend and made a pot of it (only 2 potatoes and still have to eat for so many days!!). It is a pretty simple dessert but the most important ingredient - gula Melaka - is not available here in Lansing. Boo! Gula Melaka (or theng) is actually palm sugar but the one that is made in Malaysia has a dark coloring and taste better than the seashell shaped palm sugar they sell here at Oriental Mart. To make the dessert, just boil water and ginger, dissolve the gula Melaka in the water and finally, add sweet potato and simmer until the potato is soft. Easy leh. Hehe..but whenever Ping is at home, Ping never cook it because ahmah and mummy will do all the work. Bleh. This last trip home, Ping wanted some and mummy made it the next day!! Because of the dark colored gula Melaka, the huan chu t'ng mummy made looks much darker. In fact, if Ping sees one like the one Ping makes in M'sia, Ping would most likely think that it is not very good - like chia chia.

Ahmah used to make them quite often when Ping was a kid and Ping loves it! Actually, sweet potato itself is pretty good and is a delicacy in the Chinese culture - in China, where the weather is chilly during the Moon Cake Festival, people will 'pu' (bake - but typically using charcoal like BBQing style in US) the potato (烤紅薯). We do it here when we BBQ, even during the summer! At the pasar malam (night markets) in M'sia, there are also stalls that sell tit-bits, where one of them is fried sweet potato slices - yummy!! A very addictive M'sian snacks, especially if Ping has the whole packet to herself and is sitting in front of the tv watching a nice series. Oh by the way, the new series - 籃球火 - is lots of fun!!! 小豬is super funny!!! Definitely a must watch for 小豬's fans. Haha. Pei, 如果我們兩個一起看, 一定笑道肚子痛的. 有很多遊戲玩了, 不用一直完'某人' 的遊戲了. Hehehe..

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Chicken spinach pasta

Woohooo! 好久沒有blog食物的post了. 因為自己好就沒好吃的東西了. 最近很忙, 也沒有心情煮. 如果心情不好的話, 煮出來的食物, 也不會覺得好吃. 好吃的東西, 是要很用心的去煮. 雖然, 這道理是從連續劇聽到的, 但也很真阿. 每次不開心的時候, 煮的東西覺得沒有品味的.
But! This week 的感覺還不錯. Maybe because there is hope! Felt like cooking something simple since Ping is super busy this week and don't feel like eating frozen food. Hmm...cook what leh? As usual, pasta is the easiest. Ping had leftover chicken from lak-bee tng (six spice soup) and spinach. Not a very good combination since the chicken from soup is usually very mild in taste as the 'sweetness' goes into the soup. Ping wanted to use it to make chicken sandwich but didn't feel like eating bread. So Ping stir-fry it with some or tau eu (dark soya sauce) and chilli along with the spinach. Boiled the pasta and ta-da! A bowl of chicken spinach pasta with some lak-bee tng taste. Yummy! (Lin: 是的, my boey khiow-ing!) Ping also added some La Choy Crispy Noodles - nope, as far as Ping is aware, this is not Asian at all but apparently by adding it, you are 'adding Asian flair'. Ping first tried this in Applebee's Oriental Chicken Salad and Ping liked the 'crunchiness' it adds to the salad.

Tuesday, July 08, 2008


已經plan 好要6.30pm之做完準備給明天的experiment, 然後回家睡個好好的一覺, 明天早上起來analyze data. But guess what...萍萍的今天真倒霉. 回來時候, 換去laptop 的背包, 有拿錢包但忘了拿家和車子的鑰匙 . 真不懂有腦袋來干嗎. 好像是關掉了吧. 做事, 疑點都不專心. 真馬虎.

還是於到了不開心的我. 我的精神跑到那去了呀.

Monday, July 07, 2008


我最討厭的感覺就是脆弱. 討厭自己有這種感覺, 也不喜歡看到別人脆弱的樣子. 它是一種negative的影響. 但它卻會悄悄的發現在我心理. 好久沒有這種感覺了. 到今天, 到我難過的時候, 我煩惱的時候, 我無救的時候, 它就接替我所有的開心於陽光...只留下哭泣於黑暗的情緒. 一點都不好玩.

有時候, 真不想當個graduate student. 今天早上很開心的start up HPLC. 本來還滿順利的. 但到下午, 一個一個的問題開始發生了. 因為不是很動哪個system,所以自己不太會解決問題. 也不太敢問別間lab的post-doc因為怕打擾. 剛剛, 以為另一個experiment會比較順利, 不過自己太大的希望了, magnetic stirrer 的fuse 壞掉. 已經11.30晚上了. 饒了我把.

好想回家, 躲在背毯裡大哭然後去睡覺. 可惜, 者能可以在lab專心的做完experiment, 希望, 沒有stir不會有太大的影響. 也要確定HPLC 的 pressure不會上的太高. 不然我就完蛋了.

今天的我, 看不到月亮, 看不到星星, 者能看到黑的天恐和安靜的外面.

我的明天會更好嗎? 有誰要帶我的脆弱走, 永遠不要再讓它會來.