It has been such a busy week and I have yet to find the time to 'do nothing'. Last weekend was suppose to be lecture catching up weekend. Then the probiotics experiment came up and I had to grow up my tiny microbe (Helicobacter hepaticus) to be gavaged into the mice. That took up most of my Saturday. Wait, actually that only took up about 2 hours or so but I had to print some articles for the paper that is due on Thursday (again..and there'll be more to come). It was really beautiful that all the papers I found had used fluorescence microscopy to analyze the microbes but that also mean that I won't be able to understand the figures unless they are in color. Unfortunately, the one and only color printer that we have here in the department is as slow as a turtle..maybe even slower. It took me another 2 hours just to print out 18 articles. Can you imagine that??? 18 articles, with an average of 3 colored pages per article = 54 pages in 2 hours!!!! Either the printer is obsolete or that's the way color printers are. Time for them to get a laser color printer. kekeke..
Sunday was spent in the lab growing up more H. hepaticus for the Bile assay and boy, do these bile stinks!! It was collected from cows bile duct when they die and was grind and dried. I wonder who has to do the dirty job, glad it's not me! Got home in the afternoon but had to flatten all the boxes that we used when we moved in (about a month ago and yeah, the boxes were left untouched ever since the unpacking). Brought them all to Lake Lansing recycling center and on the way there, we passed Krispy Kreme doughnuts. It is one of the best doughnuts here in Michigan (besides freaking expensive Dunkin Donuts) and we could not resist it. Furthermore, the shop also has their doughnut making machines open for public viewing. Got stucked there for about 30 minutes, went to recycle the boxes and we ended up at Meijer. It was suppose to be a quick shop for fruits and vege that we've been depleted off the past few days being so busy. Then I wanted to go get a watch and unfortunately, after looking for what feels like forever, none of them has the size for my wrist. They don't do any adjustment either. Since I don't intend to get a watch that can go all the way up to my arm, we finally left Meijer about an hour or so later.
That was the most interesting event that I encountered since last week. As the week goes by...stay tune.
:) :) :) :) :)
Nice to live with someone aye?
Have you gotten US PR?
I wish!
Take it slw girl, you'll eventually get to there!
Sayang, marry the guy in Florida :) He got green card, and he's damn cute :)) Somemore sure your taste because he's Malaysian ;)
geez I sound that desperate? I don't even know him except that he exist.
Honey, no one mentioned anything about desperation...
He's attractive :)
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