Friday, June 03, 2005

going off..

*phew* What a hectic week. Lots of stuff has happened since I last posted an fact, so much that I don't have the time to post any entries or buzz around at other blogs I enjoy reading. Still busy right now..packing for Atlanta. I'm finally going!! Have been waiting for this trip for quite sometime and was actually not looking forward earlier today as I have so much more that needs to be done before I go back to Malaysia, especially since good results are coming, I am tempted to keep the tempo going. But who knows, the conference might actually be a good outcome if I can find someone to talk to about quantifying the fluorescence proteins I am working with.

Will update more when I'm back from for now, I'm back to packing and planning the itinery for the next couple of days.



KEF said...

*waiting for updates on Atlanta*

When are you coming back again?

Ping-Ping said...

will be home on June 15th. Wanna come to Penang? :P

KEF said...

woman, I'll be in VN!

Woman, when are you leaving?

Ping-Ping said...

where's VN? I'll be home till the 10th of July.