Sunday, September 24, 2006

Qian Qu Nar Li?

Ever wonder where did all your money go to by the end of the month? It's not exactly the end of the month yet..well, close..but Ping was looking through how much she spent the past couple weeks and realized that it was more than what she usually spent. So where did all the qian went to? Haven't been shopping for clothes since early summer and nor did Ping got any new props for her scrapbook.

Then the song "You Could Be Happy" by Snow Patrol started playing on Ping's iTunes. Ah-ha! Ping has recently 'acquired' several cds. Not too long ago, Steph brought Ping to Flat, Black and Circular. It is a music store that sells both new and used cds for a pretty reasonable price. The older ones can be as low as USD 3, which was what Ping paid for the older Jewel and Matchbox 20 cds that Ping never did get a chance to burn from BK before we went our own separate way. Recently Ping got some Green Day cds for USD 9. The newer ones are cheaper from iTunes but sometimes it's nice to have the real cd and the cover even though we can print album artwork from iTunes now.
And the other source of where Ping's money been going to is Malecon! Weekly salsa dancing at Malecon can be pretty expensive by the end of the month. But Ping won't be going anymore, at least for a few weeks until the paper is finalized. It's lots of fun but Ping is starting to feel guilty for spending so many hours dancing instead of staying home reading or writing. It's getting closer...

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