While there's only one major zoo in M'sia, there are zoos at most big cities here.
Potter Park Zoo is located at Lansing and this is Ping's first zoo in the States. It is VERY small (we finished walking around it in less than 2 hours!) but much cleaner and not so chau bi. In fact, when you first walk into the zoo, it feels more like a park (something like Taiping Zoo) rather than a real zoo. There are only a few group of people here and there. Zoo Negara is definitely much more fun and exciting!
Ping can't remember when was the last time Ping went to
Zoo Negara but daddy used to bring us there on Sunday (probably way back before Ping started going to Sunday school) and we would spend the entire day in the zoo. It was always so pack that we have to squeeze our way around to get near the cage to see the animals. The cages are much larger and there are way more animals at Zoo Negara too. But Ping can't remember much of it except for the giraffe where we get to feed them and the KFC train that goes around the zoo and the flamingoes in the centre lake. Sometimes there is also a bird show where they make the parrot talk. Those were the days when we don't have to think of anything and when life was much more simple.

Back to the Potter Park Zoo, we happens to go on the hottest day of the summer - all the animals were sleeping!! Most of the cages were empty because the animals rather hide in their indoor area. The animals must be thinking - all these gong lang, jit tau ah neh tua lai kia zoo. Ping's favorite was the baby snow leopard. They kept him/her indoor but the room was so small and it doesn't look fun at all...a bit ke lian. But it is sooooooooooo cute!! It looks like a small baby playing with a toy. It was funny seeing the leopard attack the soft toy like it is expecting the toy to fight back.

The funniest thing - their zoo even have chicken!!! In M'sia, chicken walk all over the place, not in the zoo! When we were walking close to the chicken area, the sounds feel like we're walking around a kampung..hehe.

Mummy ar, maybe your next life you can be a lion/lioness since they sleep 16-20 hours a day and that seems to be your hobby? Keke...
One of Ping's favorite is the
Muntjac. They are soooo cute and they got a really pretty and 'eu siu' face. Ping found out from Wiki that they are the natives of Southeast Asia...maybe that's why so 'bin sek'. Haha!

The most geli one is the
Axolotl. They look like a baby hamster at the stage when they just come out from their mum and still haven't sae mo. The interesting fact is that they can regenerate their own body parts. It must be pretty cool doing a research on them but every night sure 'bang' the axolotl wan. Actually, if you do a image google for Axolotl, there's a lot of cute looking ones. But it is still too geli to look at a real life one! Reminds Ping of the rubbery stuff that daddy used to buy back from Shanghai...the one where we can throw at the wall and then it'll stick and fall slowly down.

Heard of
Gila Monster? Wonder if it has a 'gila' characteristic...hehe. But for those of us who have been in the States for a while, we would know that the way they pronounce 'gila' is actually 'hila' so it probably has nothing to do with the lizard being gila.

Another one that is pretty interesting is the
Tamarin. They remind Ping of a 2 part movie where there are tons of this little creatures that took over the world but one of them is really nice and cute and is actually a pet of the main actor...totally blank on the name of the movie even though Ping have watched it tons of times!! The Tamarin seems to be tame enough to be made a pet too! They are also vegetarian so don't have to worry about them eating you! They actually have a 'kuai ku' look too!

Another one of Ping's favorite is the
Llama! They are very social animals as the moment we walked close to their cage, one by one came out to greet us..haha..of course not lah...it's for food lah! But they have super huge teeth that Ping didn't dare to feed them at all. While they are very friendly, we cannot manja them too much because they will start treating us like one of them, which is spitting. To them, spitting is a common way of treating each other so they don't think it's a problem although Ping would not appreciate being spitted at by a llama even if it is because they like Ping. Eeeeee....

Other than these, there's not much interesting ones. As M'sians, we always expect to see monkeys and orang utans in the zoo but there's only one monkey cage, unlike the cages after cages of monkey and orang utans back home.
Zoo Negara is definitely way better!!!
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