When Ping came back from Woods Hole last year, Ping planted her first baby....plant in the States - chilli! Now it is huge and giving Ping lots and lots of 'luak luak' chilli. In addition to that, Ping also got a chilli plant from tiptup early August and it is also making lots and lots of chilli edi! By the way, blogger thinks that 'chilli' is a wrong spelling! Is Ping really spelling the word wrong or is blogger just dumb? Hmmm...the word is confusing in the States anyway. When you say chilli (which is probably spelt chili), people will think of this stew that is super yummy! But when we (M'sians) say chilli, we usually mean 'hot peppers' (as known by the Americans) aka 'huan chio' (hokkien) aka la4 jiao1 (辣椒).
The growth of Ping's chilli....

This is just about 1 month old. It was still warm outside so it was sitting out at Ping's balcony (or as the Americans call it, patio). As it grew bigger, Ping stopped taking pictures because Ping's prelim was getting near. Eventually, Ping had to bring it back to the lab. It sat right next to a radio that was by the window near Ping's bench and desk. However, it didn't get much TLC (tender loving care...as learned from Steph) because Ping was mostly at home reading and writing.

Then, the big day came, the break down came (but Ping handled it pretty okay...I think?), and then it ended and *phew*, can finally 'chuan tua kui'. But just a few days after Ping passed the scary exam, Ping took off and went back home, leaving the baby chilli in Steph's hands. She did a great job keeping them alive! As we can see on the right, it grew and grew and grew and became really tall that Ping had to tip-toe to water the top leaves! It became so big that it blocking Ping's awesome view of the campus.

Then the weather warms up and Ping brought it home...and so it went to the balcony again. Ping had to change pot for it too because the roots where starting to become visible from the top.
As time goes by, Ping started to see flowers....

then the chilli buds...

Next thing you know....jeng jeng jeng....the whole tree is full of chilli!!!

However, it has already been about a month since some of them came out and they don't seem to turn red so maybe they are 'cheh huan chio'.
On the other hand, the one from tiptup is 'ang huan chio' as it has recently started to turn red. This was taken last week and now, half of them is red already.

Yippee...just in time to watch House!! House is back! The crazy doctor!
1 comment:
Hahaha.... hooray for the chilli plant :)
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