This year's Thanksgiving dinner is at Gylin and Boon Keat's house. It will also be one of the last few gathering we will have at their place for this year as they will be moving to Indianapolis soon. Will definitely be meeting the two little kids - Jayden and Chloe - soon. So we gotta find more 機會 to play with them!
Inside of the usual Malaysian food potluck during our gatherings, we decided to have an American style
Thanksgiving dinner instead. So what does American have for Thanksgiving?
Turkey! That's the most important dish during Thanksgiving! It's the symbol of Thanksgiving Day! TT and Jo were the main cook for the turkey stuff - the turkey itself and the stuffing.

Besides turkey and stuffing, the other traditional stuff are green beans and mashed potatoes, which were prepared by Lin Pei. Jo also prepared the sauces like the brown gravy and cranberry sauce to 'poey' with the turkey. Ping likes the brown sauce more; never really did like the cranberry sauce when Ping first tried it. Wei Yi also made spinach dip which was really good! We definitely did get a little full on it before everyone else starts arriving and while we (mostly TT and Jo) were preparing the food.

What did Ping made leh? Blueberry bread which actually didn't turn out as well as Ping wanted it to but it was edible so okay lah. Ping also made a chicken almond rice casserole. Ping got the recipe from Rachel Ray's site. Ping quite like it. It has no cheese like most casserole has and it uses cream of mushroom rather than milk. Ping also decorated the top with the broccoli tree to make it look not so plain. Zhi Thing and Pei Hua also made spaghetti but Ping just realized that Ping didn't take picture of it!!
The uncle and aunty who manage the one and only Malaysian restaurant in town - Suria - were also invited. But as we had expected, they brought mee goreng! Malaysian food! Kinda spoil the 'traditional American' theme but everyone was glad to get to eat Malaysian food....Malaysians mah...go until where also will end up looking for Chinese/M'sian food wan.

One of the great dish is the dessert. Bread pudding! (by Gylin) Pumpkin pie! (by Ming) They were both really good! Not too 甜 like the ones you get from the stores. Have to get the bread pudding recipe from Gylin edi since Ping really like bread pudding!

It is definitely one of the best Thanksgiving Ping have had in the States. Will definitely be missing the Chui family when they leave but that also means that we now have a reason to go to Indianapolis! Keke...
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