As Malaysians are celebrating the 51 year of Independence, we were having the time of our lives at Oval Beach, Saugatuck. There was an
MSO organized Merdeka Day celebration but 'the gang' had already made plans to go to Saugatuck since early of the week. However, Ping, ah Pei and Jo did show our face for a short while to participate in the new committee election.

Once the clock striked 1.30pm, we headed out west, towards
Saugatuck. Saugatuck is the first city in Michigan that Ping have visited after Kalamazoo as the Off. of International Students and Scholars at Western had organized a trip there during the international students orientation weekend. It feels like it was not too long ago that the bunch of us from Sunway came here to the States to pursue our higher education together. Now we are located all over the world, from Australia all the way up north of US.

Fortunately for us, the weather was on our side. Hot and sunny, even the water has not cooled down yet. It did got a little colder later in the afternoon but it stayed comfortable long enough that we had fun playing in the water. Ping also had a 'float' that Jo and Ping blew up and just relaxed, thinking about margarita and 帥哥 - which were both not available. But we did get entertained by the guys trying to do slam dunk.

The last and the best was sitting at the beach with close friends to watch the sun sets. This is second sunset by the beach that Ping seen in the States. The first was at Carmel, when Ping visited San Francisco three years back.

But overall, 最開心的事 is enjoying the beach with 我最好的朋友們!!!!
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