Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Colors of Fall

The temperature is starting to drop. Ping's red sweater is no longer enough. But Sunday was pretty sunny that it felt wasted to be spending the entire day indoor. So Ping, Jo and TT went to Hawk Island County Park for a walk. Initially Ping wanted to walk the new trail towards Potter Park Zoo but we ended up at some residential playground somewhere in Lansing. Will try out for the Potter Park Zoo direction next time. We have gone to the park several times for bbq but only Ping had ran the park trail a few times over the summer. We have also explored the Potter Park Zoo last summer - definitely nothing compared to Zoo Negara! At that time, we drove there but this summer, Jo and Ping discovered that it is actually pretty close to walk to by following the river trail from University Village, just right outside campus.

We started at the trail in Hawk Island County Park, heading into Scott Woods Park and exit at East Greenlawn Avenue (TT, you're right...there is a health care center right there. It is the building that was on the other side of the playground). Most of the leaves have already fallen but those that are still hanging out have pretty colors.
Ping like this a lot - colorful leaves with blue skies. It was cold but the sky was clear that afternoon.
The red ones are the ones that stand out most...
but Ping's favorite is the apple green, even when Ping was a kid, Ping also pick this green when coloring trees.
This is Ping's favorite scene! A simplicity that can bring lots of fantasies! Doesn't it remind you of a scene in Disney's Snow White? or Bambi? Imagine a deer standing by the creek, a world of its own, untouchable, away from disturbance. Nature is still the prettiest.
Just before we left the park, we saw this cute little thing here (although looking at it made Ping felt itchy!). Not sure what kind of caterpillar it is but it reminded us of the 'cheng'. Remember when we had to clean our white shoes back in school every weekend? When we clean, we had to use the black cheng which is very hard and Ping preferred the brown one that is smaller and softer. Wonder if the person who created the 'cheng' got the idea from seeing this little creature here?

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