Sunday, November 23, 2008

Halloween Party - a belated post

Just felt like posting some of the stuff we did for Halloween. That was the last time Ping really hang out with the gang - we had a little gathering after dinner at Ping's place and watch ghost movies. The next gathering will be the road trip to go see 杰倫 at Mohegan Sun!!! Time sure past fast when Ping is crazy busy. This couple weeks will definitely be fast too as Ping is back in lab!!! Got lotsa stuff that Ping wanna do!!!

That day was a pretty happening day as it was the last home football game (finally!!! Ping is surely not a fan of home football games!) After spending most of the day in the lab, Ping went to pick ah Pei up and we head over to Meijer to get some stuff to make some snacks for the evening gathering.

We had....a bunch of sugar loaded snacks. Sure made Ping avoided sugar after that night. But hei, it's Halloween!!

RIP Cupcakes. ZT and Ping did the decor for this.


Spider Cupcakes. The girls decorated this. While Ping thought it looks like spider, the majority thought it resembles 螃蟹 (pang2xie4, crab).


Then there was the Ghost Pudding. It was just plain chocolate pudding (mum's recipe) with melted marshmallow...not as successful though. But MC and ah Pei had fun melting the marshmallows.

The creepiest looking one is the eyeball egg. But it was good!!

Another creepy one is the Bleeding Toe.

Lastly, we had a Pizza Face!


We also watched two ghost movies - JuOn (the original Japanese version of the Grudge) and another cantonese movie that Ping can't remember but apparently is a pretty well-known movie once upon a time. Ping watched clips of JuOn a long time ago so it was nice to finally be able to understand what is going on with the movie (with different opinions from different people...hehe). The best part was seeing PH being creep out and yet, still wants to sit right there hiding under the blankie.

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