Unlikely! But the weather these few days is lovely!! The sun is out, the wind is mild and the temperature is way about 10 degrees C. Since Ping had just finished her committee meeting (with great advice and motivation from all her committee members!!!), Ping took a walk around campus on the way back from class to lab.
Look...the plants are making their green chlorophylls again!!! The trees will soon be filled with green leaves and it will be pretty soon!
As always, the river is Ping's favorite place. It is even more mesmerizing to be sitting by the river at this time because the water level is high enough to create a mini rapid at the rocks area behind the Admin building. If you were to lie down by the river and close your eyes, it is pretty easy to imagine you are sitting by the falls at Titi Kerawang back home.
If you walk further west of the rocks, the flow rate decreases and instead of the loud rumbling, you here the little waves of the water flapping over the roots by the river bank.
Another sign that spring is around the corner - the sun is setting later!!
Soon there's going be flowers.
i had snow this morning..
and hail storm this noon
and by evening.. it is sunny and all snows melted...
sigh..crazy weather... makes me sick
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