Sunday, August 30, 2009

Bright fungus

Fungus is a multicellular organism that has its own kingdom (Fungi) within the domain Eukarya. Fungi is also a group of microorganism but I don't work with them at all even though I am a microbiologist. I also don't know much about them except from what I have learned from college level microbiology. But, I could generally distinguish them (except for some species that are very tiny) from bacteria (which is the microbe that I work with). I actually did work with a type of fungus (Aspergillus sp.) that produces aflatoxin during one of my rotation when I first started grad school. That short rotation surely made me realize that I do not want to work with fungus ever. :P I still kill them when processing my soil samples.

But, that does not mean that I don't have an appreciation for a good looking ones like this...
Isn't it cute? The recent humid weather must have provide the perfect condition for it because it blossomed really fast. I was walking by this part of campus a week before I saw this and they were definitely not there. It is also weird that they are found only around this particular tree. I looked around and have not seen it anywhere on campus besides this place. Looking around online, I found one called Jack O' Lantern mushroom that looks like this and it seems like it could glow in the dark! Will have to check it out tomorrow...
Besides the fungus, there is a tree around this area that I really like because of how it looks. It does have a solemn look but that makes it more like a friendly tree.
But I guess no one really cared because now, this is how it looks like...
It has a broken arm and looks even sadder now. :(

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