Thursday, October 01, 2009

Busy 'hunting'

Just before I went to Colorado, the 'soil team' (there are so many different projects going on in the lab right now that we can have teams) went out to KBS to sample all the main sites ranging from mature deciduous forest to different levels of successions to agriculture. That was the last time I was out at KBS before today.

One of the things I like to do during sampling trips is take photo of bugs that happens to come by while I sample. Today, I didn't feel like being out there at all. It was freezing cold when I started and then when the frost melted as the Sun came out, my shoe was wet and it was not fun sampling with cold feet. But, at least it was a nice sunny day.

Since I didn't take any photos (besides the regular site photos) today, here's a video of a bee looking bug hunting for food. I love taking video with the macro function!! Actually, video or not, I just love macro photography. Hehe.

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