Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Carpe diem

Novsquirrelh, originally uploaded by lilsQuirr3l.

It's almost three weeks since the crashed and it still haunts me every now and then. These past few weeks have change my life a great deal. There's just so many signs telling me that I gotta slow down and treasure life. Time seems to passing through the gaps between my fingers without me actually feeling it.

When I spent the past Saturday hanging out with CY, I realize that I said lots of stuff that ended with 'I haven't done it in a long time'. The last time I went to the mall was about 4 months ago. The last time I went to a restaurant I like was about the same time too. The last time I took a walk around the campus was that long too. It all happened before I got the car. Ever since I got the car, I buried myself in work. I knew I could go home late at night, I could come in during the weekends, I could start early in the morning before even the sun comes up and I could even stay overnight. I kept working and working without taking a break. I got something I wished for but I took life, nature, and health for granted.

I haven't been online long enough to blog surf for quite sometime too and when I started doing that sometime this weekend, the first blog I got too was Tales of Zbjernak's entry on how a fish jumped out of the fish bowl to experience the life he could only see through the bowl. It's like before I got the car, I wanted to go places at times I like and not having to wait for the bus. Or to drive a long distance and just enjoy the scenery. But did I do any of that when I finally got the car? Nope. Every weekend was spent in the lab. I did not even go to the mall that is further away.

I also learned from the movie Saw2 that I just watched this past weekend. There's a line somewhere in there by Jigsaw who says that life is meant for those who treasure it (not the exact line..but you got the meaning). I totally agree with him. Thinking back, unfortunate things usually happens when we take something for granted. True, sometimes it's just plain bad luck. But I still believe that things happen for a reason.

I've been given a second chance and I am gonna make good use of it. Again, I believe that there is a reason my life was spared on that Saturday which I planned to work all day when I could have stayed home and catch up with time. From today on, I pledge to live a balanced life! Not gonna spend my entire weekend here in the lab anymore. Well..at least not all weekend. Gonna work hard and play hard! Just like this squirrel right here. It knows that it has worked it's way high enough to be safe from being attacked so right now it's just gonna stay there and enjoy it's view. There's still a long way to achieve what I want in life but I believe that the strength and motivation in me will guide me through a path of colors. Carpe diem!


KEF said...

Ditto about the part where you get the car and suddenly, you don't want to do anything that you wish for ;)

Unknown said...

:) Good that you've take it the positive way. I've been given a second chance too once a long time ago. It can really make huge change in your life. You'll see things you never realized and is those little things that make life more interesting, for me at least. Don't let the past hunt you. Just remember shit does happens. You just gotta learn how to get up after the fall.

BTW nice shot of the squirrel.

zbjernak said...

hi there...

as u said a balanced is really important...
and most of the time people dont get to notice it... but when they do..some might still able to do so... some just dont get the chance...

as dark kai said so...shits do happen... as long as we live life full, well there shall be no regret...

live the life you want... it is easier said than done.. but then no harm trying to achieve that...

i am glad and felt happy that u do find my entry related and somehow in one way or another helping you


and tomorrow will always be better