Had been a crazy week...or maybe it's been a crazy 2 weeks. For the last three days, all I did was sat in front of the computer, from the moment I wake up until the moment I go to sleep. Had my lunch and dinner right in front of the computer too. But I finally presented the data this morning...after a two hours of sleep for the past 48 hours, I think I did a pretty good job (ish ish, praising herself). Well, how well it is doesn't matter as long as all the PIs was satisfied with it. In fact, I think we now have more information than they had before.
As for now, my days will go by without looking at the screen for a while. So I'll be leaving this picture for my visitors to ponder upon.
This was taken sometime last week at 6.55am in the morning. The snow was just falling and these clumps are still fresh on the surface of my car. I love it when the snow falling are not all clumped up together (which can be fun sometimes if you decide to build a snowman) but are in its distinct shape. There's a believe that
no two snowflakes are alike...how true is that?
Unfortunately, the snow did not stayed around for long as it melts once it touches the ground.
Now that I post all the snowflakes pictures for my fellow M'sians who have yet to see snow, I will leave my readers (few, but definitely appreciated) with another picture of snowflakes and you can look for yourself it the really is an evidence for the 'no two snowflakes are alike' theory.
wah lau eh
still snowing lagi...
when the sun will come out?
now i really understand why those europeans/americans love sun so much....
haha..this year is really mild edi. Usually it'll snow everyday for at least a month.
But right now, I'm definitely looking forward to sunny days.
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