Thursday, November 30, 2006

The Red Kebaya

Went to watch Red Kebaya with parents yesterday at Gurney Plaza.

Definitely not a movie that Ping would pay to watch in the cinema. However, Ping wanted to watch something M'sian or Chinese, which is why we ended going for that movie. Another reason was because the movie has scenes in Penang but disappointingly, there were not many scenes. Most of the show were situated in a house that we don't know if it exist and Cheong Fatt Tze mansion, which Ping has been in before.

Anyone gone up to the 1st station of Penang Hill? Ping wonders if the house in the movie is real. Is there really a house there? Passing the 1st station countless times, it didn't seem like a place that is easily accessible. Now Ping is curious and wants to go there but parents are not keen into exploring places like that. Chai chai lah, Penang u chin chia che ko su...especially areas like that.

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