Saturday, April 04, 2009

Spring is here!

The weather has been consistently nice for the past few days. A little chilly when there is wind but nice enough to be out walking and no more ice to scrap in the morning! The sun is also setting a lot later (about 8pm) so Ping get to go out walking after walk.

Remember the American Coot from last post? Ping first spotted it on the last week of March sitting/standing on a rock. What caught Ping's attention was it being so still. There was lots of movements around it as the regular ducks was swimming around chasing each other and causing turbulence. This particular black duck just sat there, as though it is in its own world.
On that day, it just wouldn't budge so Ping didn't get to see how it looks like. It was only until this past Wednesday that Ping get to see it swimming around. Ping went back yesterday evening to see if it was still there...almost gave me a scare! It wasn't where it was before. It had swim upstream, closer to the Computer Science building where it was almost hidden by the trees by the river bank. This time it was actively swimming so it looks really cute with its head bobbing. It looks like it is not very stable, rocking to and fro. Hehe...yeah, Ping is getting attached to it. Hopefully it'll still be around for a while. Otherwise, Ping have to start looking for another target. :P

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