Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Yuppy, the tiny perennial flowers are all over campus now. Ping just learned how to do masking on Adobe Photoshop so took the flowers photo to play around since those are easier to mask with the flower in focus.
This pink one is one of the most common flower on campus. From far, the entire tree looks like it has only pink flowers and barely any leaves.

This one is one of Ping's favorite because it is like the flowers we tend to draw in art class back in high school or whenever Ping draws a flower. They seem to be found only at the garden on the north side of campus, spreading on the ground.
This is a weird looking one! Found this at the Perennial Garden on campus. It looks like someone took a can of yellow paint and sprayed it from the top. Wonder if the flowers trigger the yellow pigment production from the leaves...but wouldn't that reduce the photosynthesis efficiency? Hmmm....
Here's a white one. This one comes in bunches but Ping likes how it looks from this angle because it seems to resemble a princess' crown! :P

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