Monday, May 25, 2009

Worm hunting

Was walking on campus taking photos when we came across this bird. It is just one of the regular birds you see everywhere (haha, yet Ping don't know what it is called!). Typically, Ping would not pay attention to it but since it was close enough, it would be a good subject to practice the DSLR on (yes, it was when Ping gets to play with John's camera :P).

First just caught a worm!
From Birds

It then flew to the pavement and wait, it has more than one!
From Birds

No, it has a whole bunch!! Fat worms too! That sure is a huge meal!! Wonder if that is its normal amount or it just happened to be a lucky day.
From Birds

Isn't this amazing? Definitely Ping's first time seeing a bird hunting for worm! Wonder how they can see the worms in the jungle of grass...

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