Wednesday, June 20, 2007


After strawberry picking, got so much strawberry want to do what leh? Strawberry smoothie!!

Mix 3/4 cup of strawberries with a cup of blueberry yogurt. If Ping want it to be more 'cheng', add water or soymilk. Prefer the soymilk because it doesn't dilute the taste of the strawberry too much.
Adding orange is also pretty good. Lots of fiber!

And with the Magic Bullet, it is as fast as adding milk to cereal!!

That's Ping's breakfast for the week. Still got one more tupperware of strawberries. Wanted to try making strawberry pie but then Ping don't really like to eat them and there's no one else to eat so will just stick to smoothie. :P


Anonymous said...

hey zarraz, where do you get the magic bullet thingy, i wanna get one also...i only ate one strawberry so a box full to rot. hehe..

KEF said...

Magic Bullet?

I can't imagine anyone having this :)

Ping-Ping said...

Here's the site. I got it from online. Ee Fei, why not??? It's awesome!! Can eat smoothie anytime I want and I can also make my own sambal hae bee...without using 'cheng ku tui'....the stone thingy where we have to smash the dried prawns..haha can't remember what it's called in English.