Friday, December 03, 2004

What is success?

sitting in front of the mac in the lab trying to occupy the remaining 20 minutes the autoclave is going to take before I can leave, go shop for groceries, go home, take bath and fall back onto my wonderful bed. At the mean time, I just realized that I have achieve success in life. I've got a great job, great place to stay, classes are going as well as it can be, I have everything that I can think of, money to spend, money to save and still enjoy life. Isn't that what success is all about? To be able to enjoy life and not worry about anything? But if success is really this easy to
achieve, then why are there so many people out there who are still seeking for success? What does success actually mean? Is the success that most people are looking for = to be a millionaire? But what's the point then? If one is rich, there'll be no motivation to work or improve their current status of intelligence except to better make use of their wonderful lifestyle. Then the people of future generation will start to deteriorate in the ability to think critically and there will be lack of inspiration to discover more about life. Oh no..I'm starting to babble my way around success. But I think i'm ready to admit that I have everything I want in life - to enjoy life and still have the inspiration to contribute back to life.

there's just one thing missing though...for the person whom I love so dearly to come back to me. We've been able to talk normally this week. It was mostly because I'm too busy to analyze everything he says, which is good because I can be myself more instead of pretending to be a stranger to him. It feels more familiar and comfortable to talk to him by just being myself and I think he feels that way too. I'm just glad he still remembers there is someone out here who still cares about him a lot. That makes me wonder though..what about that girl he's so interested in..isn't she doing anything to make him feel better? Oh well, better to stay away from being too analytical.

Just got my camera today but had no time to play with it yet. Finals is next Friday and lots of stuff to do in the lab. Managed to get the fluorometer going and am anxious to try it with the real cultures of E. coli now. Hopefully I can get some preliminary data by the end of next week. Wish me luck!!

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