Sunday, May 28, 2006

vege for BBQ

BBQ is one of the most fun events one can have without too much work and cleaning up. Unfortunately, it is not a very healthy serving because most of the dishes are dark meat and there's high carbon if they are grilled for too long. Definitely missing healthy carbs from vegetables.

There was a BBQ event last week that MW wanted to have for his friends visiting from Oregon and Arizona. Since the guys had taken care of the main ingredients - hot dogs, chicken wings, fishball - I didn't want to bring chicken satay (which is what I usually make for BBQ) and corn and potatoes are kinda boring. Furthermore, it was held on a weekday and I didn't have time to marinate and skew up the chicken. Then I saw this advertisement for Reynolds foils. It was something about the lady saying why grill one at a time when you can wrap them up all in foil. So I thought of this vege packets and decided to give it a try.

It is simple to make but does take up a little time to wrap them up (but not as long as making chicken satay). I cut up green peppers, tomatoes and sweet onions. Mixed them up with paprika spice to give a little tinge of spicy. Then comes the red potatoes. I have to bake the potatoes so that it's half cook, which will save the time during BBQing. After cutting the pototoes, I sprinkle some garlic powder to bake it. I mix all the ingredients together with corn and carrots then wrap them up in a foil and they are ready to go. The sauce will come naturally from the tomatoes and onions as they warm up . I think it would even be better if we use banana peppers instead of green peppers. But that's because Ping is crazy over banana peppers - sometimes she just cuts them up and eat with rice!

You know what is another good vege dish for BBQ? Brinjal!! I used to dislike brinjal when growing up. Dad loves grilling them on hot plate after marinating with 'tau eu'. I only started liking brinjal when BK's mum had me try them when we were having dinner at Esquire Kitchen at Subang Parade (I wonder if it's still there...). They stir-fried their brinjal with a spicy sauce that is really good. Ever since that first taste, brinjal became one of my favorite vege. It is hard to find a good brinjal dish around here but I often grill them if I happens to find one at Meijer. Whenever I go home, I would ask grandma to get them and we'll grill them on hot plates again. I'm sure it'll be a great BBQ dish. But nothing beats the one served at Esquire Kitchen. :)

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