Our first stop was Gap Clearance where they have out-of-season Gap, Old Navy and Banana Republic clothes. Saw a few tops and shorts but they were between USD10-15 and Kohls sells new style for the same price so we didn't get anything.
Then we took the trolley to Gap Outlet and I feel in love with the off-white pants. It is made of linen and recently, I'm crazy over linens. They are so comfortable during summer, especially in the evenings when it's chilly out. I also need to get pants like that since most of my pants are business casual and I don't think it'll be suitable for Woods Hole. I have never worn linen because I always thought that they look very 'char char'. Then I saw this male model in one of J's GQ magazine and I thought the guy looked really good and casual in it. So I went to American Eagle to find one, since that's the brand the guy was modeling for. It wasn't on sale but I tried it on anyway - I love it!! When we went to AE after Gap, I saw it and it was only for USD19.95 (original is USD48)!!! Hence, the green pants.

We also went to J. Crew and Banana Republic but couldn't find anything really cheap or anything that fits me. BK was teasing me about checking out stuff for him at BR. I wondered why he was so into BR all of a sudden and when I went there (which was my first time into BR), I realized that their clothes have really good quality. For the men's stuff, I think it's a lot better than Gap and Old Navy but for the women's stuff, they are kinda pricy and too sophisticated for me. I did found a top but when I tried it on, it didn't look good on me.

Banana Republic, AE, JCrew, Nike Old Navy, Gap, cK, Levi Strauss, ggrrrrrr.... u cannot imagine how cheap their garments actually cost.
err...summer ah?
why all the baju u bought were kind of like sleeveless, spagheti?
ks: tell me about it man!! Especially Old Navy and AE stuff.if my ahmah see clothes like that, she sure say, 'ping ah..mian cheng liow lah. Gia lai cho tho kah poh' (use it as a dirt cloth)
zbjernak: yuppy!! I'm like lembu lepas kandang..can't wait to wear anything that doesn't go beyond my elbow. :P
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