Clutching my tummy lying on the front seat of the car wishing I was home lying on my bed tucked under my blankie. At the same time, holding the cell phone to my ear trying to talk without biting on my lips. One part of the conversation goes...
Ping: ...I think about eating but I just don't feel like it.
Him: I don't feel like doing a lot of things too..I don't feel like...(describing stuff he don't feel like doing)...I don't feel like talking to you either...(continue about eating being a necessity. Yeah, I am kinda neglecting that thought for a while now.)
What am I suppose to reply? I was speechless. The phone call went on for a while but by then, I was in too much pain to make a big deal out of it. It may sound like something he says just to knock some sense into me but it came out so easily, it sounded harsh to me and it hurts. What a time to find out the truth...but the truth is better than not knowing sometimes. At least I know to stay away now. In the first place, I don't even know why I thought he would care.
Ouch... baby... I hope you recover from the phone call...
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